Optional Add-Ons

Optional Add-Ons

Kids 2 College

Kids2Careers Supplemental Activities

The Supplemental Activities in the Teacher’s Guide enhance what the students are learning in the 6-lesson curriculum. Each activity lasts approximately 30-minutes and can be used in the classroom, as homework, and to help students prepare for Lesson 6 presentations.



AKCIS 360 is a helpful and free complement to the Kids2Careers curriculum. By opting-in to AKCIS 360 on your Kids2Careers curriculum application, you receive access to AKCIS 360 activities that complement the 6-lesson curriculum. Educators enjoy the flexibility of choosing a single grade level of activities or choosing the next grade level for students participating multiple years in a row. Activity completion across grades can be tracked and monitored over time.

If you would like to use AKCIS 360 Jr. to complement your Kids2Careers program, please also complete an Activation and Fee Waiver Agreement. If your school or district already has a signed agreement, we will turn on the specific activity grade levels requested.