Alaska Supplemental Education Loan (ASEL)

Whether you are pursuing an undergraduate, graduate, or career training program, ACPE’s Alaska Supplemental Education Loan (ASEL) provides important financial support as you work towards attaining your postsecondary education credential.

What You Need

To complete the application for the ASEL, you will need the following information.

  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • School information
  • Financial aid information, such as your cost of attendance
  • Two references with whom you expect to remain in contact
  • Name and email of your cosigner (if you plan to apply with one)

    Choose Your Repayment Type

    During the loan application process, you must select your repayment type. You can choose full deferment or immediate repayment while enrolled in school at least half-time. No changes can be made after you confirm your repayment selection.

    • Full Deferment – No payments while enrolled in school and during grace period
    • Immediate Repayment – Make fixed monthly payments of $50 per loan while enrolled in school and during grace period

    Start Your ASEL Application Today