2024-2025 Activation and Fee Waiver Agreement

The Alaska Career Information System (AKCIS) is a web-based, resource-rich, and interactive education and career planning system.

The Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE) makes AKCIS grants in the form of fee waivers available to schools, districts, and education/career mentoring organizations serving Alaska's citizens. Submitting a fee waiver enables sites to have an AKCIS site account, which enables sites to establish Portfolios for individual users at no cost.

By submitting the form below and accepting an ACPE Fee Waiver Grant Award, your institution or organization is agreeing to provide all services related to AKCIS and access to the AKCIS site free of charge to individual users.

Fee waivers are for September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025. AKCIS sites must submit the Activation and Fee Waiver Agreement annually to renew their account. We request that all agreements be received by September 30, 2024. Your completed Activation and Fee Waiver Agreement will be sent to ACPE when you hit the submit button following completion of the form.

If you are unable to submit the form online, please contact the AKCIS Help Center at (800) 441-2962 option 3 or email akcis@alaska.gov.

AKCIS Participation Form

Please use the Manage Form Option to Develop your Form
Primary Target Audience
Secondary Target Audience - CHOOSE ONE (Optional)
Administrator Details
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  • By transmitting this document and accepting services provided, I am certifying that I agree that all services related to AKCIS and access to AKCIS will be provided to individual users free of charge, and that I will abide by the Terms and Conditions of Career Information Systems and the Career Information System Privacy Policy.

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Supplemental Instructions

Participation in the AKCIS Listserv

When you register as a new AKCIS site, your primary contacts are automatically added to the AKCIS Listserv. This process will generate a confirmation message that you've joined successfully. This service will be used to make announcements for new releases, site changes, training, and any other exciting news you should know throughout the year.

Using IP Addresses for Logging In

Did you know that your site can be setup to use an IP address login along with, or instead of, your username and password for users? This is an option for sites with computer labs for clients or students to access AKCIS throughout the day. With an IP address login, you don't have to give out the username and password repeatedly for each person wishing to log in. For example: A large college or library may have a computer lab with 10-30 computers their students or clients can use on a daily basis. It may be more logical to have the IP addresses for those computers registered with AKCIS so that any individual using the computer could be logged into the site's account directly without having to obtain the site's username and password. For more information or to have this type of login established, call AKCIS at (800) 441-2962 option 3.

Key Form Definitions

Personal Learning and Career Plans (PLCPs):

PLCPs serve as a roadmap to a student's future through exploration, investigation, and choice. PLCPs are a tool for students to stay on track with education plans and career goals and they facilitate communication between educators, students, and parents. AKCIS helps users develop and share their PLCPs in a medium easily accessible by educators, students, and parents, and easy for users to update. For more information on utilizing AKCIS to develop PLCPs, contact the AKCIS Help Center.

Site Administrators:

The Site Administrators have authority over the site’s AKCIS account. They are responsible for creating Staff Accounts and providing/coordinating AKCIS training and support to site staff as needed. The Site Administrators are added to the AKCIS Listserv, receive onboarding materials upon site activation/renewal, and are responsible for implementing AKCIS at their site. They are encouraged to request training and assistance as needed via the AKCIS Help Center.

Previously Active Account:

If you know your site had an AKCIS account in the past, select Yes to the question, “Is this a previously active account?”

(800) 441-2962 option 3

(465-2962 in Juneau) or email your request to akcis@alaska.gov.