2023-2024 District and Agency Account Request Form

The Alaska Career Information System (AKCIS) is an online, resource-rich, and interactive education and career planning system. Usage statistics can be a valuable asset in planning, monitoring, and reporting career development efforts in a school district, state agency, or large organization with multiple AKCIS registered sites.

Organizations wishing to manage AKCIS usage on the district- or agency-wide level may request a special login, which will provide them exclusive access to a comprehensive set of tools for managing the content of all of the school accounts enrolled from their organization. This login will only be provided to the official designee after they have submitted a District & Agency Account Request Form. The login will be active for the period of September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024. District & Agency Account (DA) holders must annually submit the District & Agency Account Request Form, as well as ensure all registered sites have submitted Activation and Fee Waiver Agreements to qualify for ongoing access.

By submitting prior Activation & Fee Waiver Agreements and accepting ACPE Fee Waiver Grant Award(s), your institution or organization has agreed to provide all services related to AKCIS and access to the AKCIS sites free of charge to individual users. Your completed District and Agency Account Request Form will be sent to ACPE when you hit the submit button following completion of the form.

If you are unable to submit the form online, please contact the AKCIS Help Center at (800) 441-2962 (465-2962 in Juneau) option 3 or email akcis@alaska.gov.

Please use the Manage Form Option to Develop your Form
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Coordinator and District Administrator Details
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Agency or School District Details
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  • By Transmitting this document and accepting services provided. I am certifying that I agree that all services related to AKCIS will be provided to individual users free of charge, and that I will abide by the Terms and Conditions of Career Information Systems and the Career Information System Privacy Policy.

Trial Version, Powered By DNNGo

Supplemental Instructions

Participation in the AKCIS Listserv

When you register for a district and agency account, your primary contacts are automatically added to the AKCIS Listserv. This process will generate a confirmation message that you've joined successfully. This service will be used to make announcements for new releases, site changes, training, and any other exciting news you should know throughout the year.

Key Form Definitions

~The District Coordinator is the person with authority over the DA Account. ACPE staff will only be authorized to release username, password, and DA specific information to this person and the District Administrator.

~~The District Administrator is the person who will be most frequently using the DA account. They will be responsible for managing district and/or site specific content for sites included under the DA account. They will handle administrative duties and may coordinate trainings.

Examples: District Coordinator and District Administrator could be the district counselor, curriculum specialist, superintendent, or an authorized individual from the Superintendent's office.

AKCIS Help Center

(800) 441-2962 option 3

(465-2962 in Juneau) or email your request to akcis@alaska.gov.